
Sometimes You Need Someone Else to Look After Yourself

Finally, time to relax and enjoy a lovely summer’s day. For most, everything is peaceful and everyone looks so happy, smiling and indulging in their favourite activities. BUT not everyone. Some feel as if they’re on shaky ground, plagued by obtrusive thoughts. It starts slowly, but but there’s no denying its presence. Perhaps this is you, alone in your thoughts and sensations, overcome by stress in every part of your body. It can be quite scary, feeling as though your body could shut down at any minute while losing control and panicking with no end in sight – alone, abandoned, helpless and exhausted. This is ANXIETY and it can be relentless.

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My name is Silvie Brouk and I understand how you may feel, the implications to your future, and how DEPRESSION, ANGER, GUILT and SHAME can consume you. Next to those are STRESS, TRAUMA and LOW SELF-ESTEEM, all equally devastating. What’s worse is that there’s no escape unless you do something about it. When you feel down and desperate, you may pretend nothing has happened because of your kids, partner and friends. And why would you want to bother any of them with your issues? Things might be even worse for you at work, though no one may have the slightest suspicion you’re not well.
I’ve experienced very severe ANXIETY, PANIC ATTACKS and DEPRESSION in my past but managed to get through it. It’s what brought me to therapeutic work. I don’t want anyone to suffer like I did, not even my worst enemy. I welcome everyone with open arms who is seeking a peaceful, warm and tranquil environment to open up and bring their fears and traumas to light. Allow yourself to be treated gently without judgement, at your own pace in comfortable surroundings. You deserve to be accepted as you are. At the end of the day, none of us are perfect. Having lived in different countries, I’ve learned to embrace different cultures and religions. This has led me to using loving kindness and a gentle approach in all my therapies.

Remember, only you can make the decision to start your journey to a better life and you don’t have to be alone. Take advantage of a FREE 30-minute initial phone consultation. To book now, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page and change your life for the better. Discover how the solution is within you.


Stress comes with many different physical and mental symptoms, such as increased nervousness, irritation, disrupted sleep or severe anxiety. These mental symptoms can often lead to physical problems, including disease. The notion that it’s ‘all in your head’ is a fallacy. These problems are very real and can be very serious. Leaving them untouched will only make them worse.

This makes ‘stress management’ a priority, which can include: cognitive behavioural therapy, rational emotional behavioural therapy, music therapy, yoga, yoga therapy, meditation and relaxation. Combining these methods will reconnect your entire body with your mind and emotions. Put simply, tranquility. A happy mind is the key to your overall health.

Take the First Step

If you are suffering, you owe it to yourself to explore the possibility of working with me. Yes, there’s only me, not a team where only a few get the privilege of seeing the founder, the one who has the vision.


This will allow us to get to know each other. During the initial consultation we will discuss your current situation, define the goals and choose the right therapy for you. Please use the form to book your free initial phone consultation or to contact me. Thank you and I look forward to meeting you.

With regards to costs, please contact me so that we can agree something and discuss the possibilities.